FEEDING - The humpbacks don't eat during their six months in the Hawaiian Islands. Hawai'i doesn't offer their food, krill and
herring. But, since the whales spent the winter in the north, doing nothing but eating, they carry their summer food supply in their fat.
SLEEPING - Humpbacks sleep with half their brain at a time. Then they switch sides, and put the other half to sleep. The side that remains
awake acts as a sentinel to protect the whale from threats, including sharks and boats.
MIGRATION - Humpbacks take about 39 days to travel the 3,200 miles from Alaska. They cruise an estimated 3 to 4 miles per hour,
and are believed to swim 24 hours a day. CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFO ON WHALE MIGRATION
BREACH - One of the most thrilling
behaviors to observe is the breach. With just a few strokes of their flukes, humpbacks can gain enough momentum to hurl
their 30 ton, 45 foot bodies into the air, then crash back down with a thunderous splash! Theories abound as to why whales
breach, from acoustic signalling, to removal of barnacles, to joyous play.
TAIL SLAP - A powerful action often
used in aggressive encounters, the tail slap occurs when the whale's flukes are lifted clear out of the water and then brought down on the
surface with a great resounding "crack!" Whales have been seen tailslapping repeatedly, more than 40 times! The width of
their flukes can reach 15 feet and the underside is a distinctive as our own fingerprints.
PECTORAL SLAP - Humpbacks have the longest
pectoral fins of all whales, stretching up to 15 feet in length. These fins may be used to help maneuver the whale or signalling. A
pectoral slap is created when a whale rolls on its side, raises its pectoral fin out of the water and forcefully slaps in down. At
times a whale will turn completely on its back and slap both fins on the waters surface.
COURTSHIP - Dynamic displays of humpbacks performing
courtship behaviors can be seen in the waters off the Hawaiian Islands. Males engage in competitve activities with each other
for access to receptive females. Sometimes whales lunge aggressively at each other trying to displace one another resulting in
superficial abrasions.
Mothers and claves are always seen close together: there is a powerful bond between them. Mothers often use their pectoral fins
to caress and cradle their young and have been seen assisting their babies to the surface. Newborns are 12 to 15 feet long and
can weigh 2 tons. Calves typically nurse for 8 to 12 months and can consume 80 gallons in a day! They can double their size in one year.
WHALE SONG - Although it may sound like groaning, screeching or
creaking to us, humpbacks can produce sounds that are classified as true songs.
Songs are produced on the breeding grounds, and to date, singers observed have been identified as males. Researchers
speculate that singing may play a role in attracting a mate, establishing a territory, or advertising availability.
Humpbacks in Hawai'i all sing virtually the same song. Their song is identical to that of the humpbacks breeding off the coasts
of Mexico and Japan. The song changes every year, and it changes across the Pacific basin at virtually the same time! The song
of the humpback is a mystery and a marvel: its purpose may be more complex than we can imagine.
Hawai'i Wildlife Fund helped achieve the creation of the Hawaiian Islands
Humpback Whale National Marine Sanctuary and provides Sanctuary volunteers
and representatives on the Sanctuary Advisory Committee.
Hawai'i Wildlife Fund naturalists teach thousands of visitors each year
out in the living classroom about dolphin societies and life histories and
respectful low-impact human behavior around our delphinid brethren.
Hawai'i Wildlife Fund naturalists provide expert narration and interpretation
on whale watches in the waters off Maui during the winter whale season,
educating visitors and locals about Hawaii's favorite marine mammal.
Hawai'i Wildlife Fund conducts whale naturalist training classes each
season as part of an education program at Maui Community College.
Visit Maui, Kona, Kauai or other places in Hawaii during the humpbacks'
winter stay on their breeding grounds. Join us on naturalist-led whale watches
and enjoy the acrobatic anecdotes of curious newborns, nurturing mothers
and aggressive competitive males.
Make a tax-deductible donation to contribute to the education and understanding
of humpback whales.